
Our mission is provide the public with research and software development services for the purpose of advancing the adoption and adaption of artificial intelligence technologies. And to develop and grow local tech talent. We fulfill our mission by partnering with the private, public, and academic sectors. 

Core Values

Our core values are the statement of the framework in which we accomplish our mission. 

Ethical Responsibility

AI technologies are going to impact all of humanity. Collectively we share the burden to ensure safe and ethical applications. Not only for ourselves but also for others, and for future generations.


Excellence starts at the individual level and then collectively reflects on its communities. Our community seeks excellence by putting in the effort, commitment, and dedication required to accomplish smart goals.


We follow a set of rules and ethical principals to govern our community according to ideals that define what constitutes honorable behavior. 


Fellowship defines a strong community. We enjoy our work, and we are guided by our. 


Our differences eliminate our blind spots and make us stronger. A diverse community is better equipped to eliminate biases and address inequity problems in the technical sectors. 


Modern societies must enjoy new technologies without the threat of control over their privacy and unalienable rights. Freedom of information and speech are essential for the prosperity of democratic societies in a world bound by technology.